Ini is a settlement in the province of Monofatsio. It has 370 residents, mainly occupying themselves with agriculture. The distance to Heraklion is approximately 44 kilometers. The Cultural Association of the village called is Ini-Monastiraki. The main church is St.George. Ini is referred in the survey of Kastrofilakas (K 96) with the name Igni it had 114 inhabitants in 1583. During the Ottoman Empire it was inhabited only by Turks and in 1834 only 5 families lived there. During the revolution in 1881 it was abandoned. The ancient Archadia or Archades is said to be near the village of Ini. The city was originally an ally of Knossos, but allied with Lyttos after 221 B.C. It was a city state and had its own coins that had on the one side the head of Zeus-Amon and on the other side the dead of Athena.